6th February, 2024 - 9am - 5pm




The Agenda

  • To Find Distressed Sellers of Good (Profitable) Businesses

  • ​How To Buy A Cash-Flowing Business

  • ​Advanced Business Acquisitions Training

  • ​Consulting For Equity

  • ​Identifying Your Dealmaker Identity

  • ​Business Valuation Training

  • ​Networking & Partnership Opportunities

  • ​And More....

The Venue

  • Resorts World Birmingham
  • ​7211 Pendigo Way, Birmingham, B40 1PU
  • Situated near major motorways, Birmingham airport and Birmingham International train station.

Here's Some Footage From our Last Event...

Three Reasons Why YOU Should Attend This Dealmaker Meet-Up

Reason # 1 - Buying cash-flowing businesses is going to create hundreds of millionaires this year in the UK, and you could be one of them.

At this Dealmaker Meet-Up, it's all about teaching you how to acquire cash-flowing businesses.

 > To find distressed sellers of good (profitable) businesses

 > ​How To Buy A Business In 60 Days Or Less

​ > Advanced Business Acquisitions Training

​ > Consulting For Equity

​ > Identifying Your Dealmaker Identity

​ > Business Valuation Training

​ > Networking & Partnership Opportunities

​ > And More.....

Reason # 2 - Your future business partner might be at this event...

Maybe it's me or Chris. We are partnered with tons of people. Actually, I don't own any businesses as a sole proprietor -- I only partner with people. And many of the dealmakers in the room are the same way.

Either way, you won't know unless you come and join us.

Dozens of partnerships have formed over the last 12 months inside of just one of our Dealmaker programs... So many people that I mentor have found accelerated success in small business acquistions due to partnering with other ambitious, like-minded dealmakers.

Now it's your turn. Come network. Meet new people and see what partnerships are available to you.

Reason # 3 -  LIVE events create momentum and positive change in your life.

I have hosted many events in the past 24 months across the world, and when my team I stop and study my students who are closing deals, 9 out of 10 times it is within 60 days after leaving an event.

For many of these students, it is their FIRST deal.

Live events like Dealmaker Weekend are a catalyst to closing deals. We see it over and over again.

Something happens at these live events that causes MASSIVE action and higher likelihood of achievement...

Like these students of mine who attended our LIVE event back in September in Las Vegas... Who have ALL closed deals or multiple deals within 90 days after leaving the event...

        CPA, Brittany F. closed TWO deals in December. One of which being her first acquisition.

        David M. also closed multiple deals as well shortly after the event. Many more to come... David has an impressive 1000+ deals he has originated in 2022 and it seems like he is announcing a new acquisition every month now...

        Mona and Julianna closed on a consulting for equity deal recently. They acquired equity in a cash-flowing trophy and award business after attending the Vegas event. They arrived at the event knowing NOTHING about business acquisitions and now they are working on a second deal this month... And I believe maybe their third...

        Dan G. recently closed a deal and acquired a digital marketing company and is working on SEVERAL more online deals as we speak... The Vegas event was a huge catalyst for Dan to jump in, make business acquisitions a focus and his results have been inspiring...

        Zephrina closed a second business deal right at the end of 2022 after attending the same event... Zephrina bought an accounting firm using an annuity deal...

And there are tons more...

Dealmaker Wealth Soceity - @ 2024 All Rights Reserved  

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